Thursday, January 28, 2010

Right On the Money

My husband had the day off today, so he spent it with my son, taking him to his class at the library, lunch, shopping for toy cars, etc. I went to an appointment, had lunch with a friend, then went shopping. And shopping. And shopping. Everywhere I went, it seemed like everything was on clearance, and I am not the kind of girl who can resist things marked down to $2. I finally came home, hours later than I said I would be, and found that this was my Yahoo horoscope for today:

Still not ready to quit shopping? Still patrolling the malls, local specialty stores and boutiques in search of just the right price on the perfect accessory? Well, fine, if it makes you happy. But you ought to consider that you'll probably want to have a couple of bucks left over to pick up something nice for your sweetie. Bring the spree that wouldn't die to a close now. While you still have some available credit.

Monday, January 25, 2010


I woke up to blue lights flashing in my eyes and a siren wailing in my bedroom. My three-year-old was holding a sounds-and-lights Lego Duplo piece about 2 inches from my eyes, saying, "Time to get up, Mom!" I am so not a morning person...


Then we had a little potty-training incident this morning, and my stubborn toddler asked me, "Are you happy, Mom?". "Not right now," I replied, "I'm disappointed." "No," he said with this earnest expression on his little bitty face, "you're my great mom. You're so happy. I think you're happy, Mom." And just like that, I was.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Rotary Cutting Rocks

So, cutting strips and squares with a
rotary cutter is definitely the way to go. I'm sure this is old news for experienced quilters, but it was truly a revelation to me when I saw how straight and even my cuts are and how quickly I could cut out the 130 squares I need for this quilt. Hopefully, this will help my columns line up better than they did when I was hand-cutting everything.

This is the first row I assembled. My son is very interested in the whole process, and keeps asking me, "This is a special blanket for my big boy bed? For ME?" I'm loving that I told him it was a quilt, and he's calling it a "special blanket" and saying "for ME" like he can't believe it's for him. There is such a thing as too much interest, of course, as I discovered tonight when I couldn't figure out why my machine was working so slowly, then realized it was because someone had adjusted my speed settings...